Sales Prediction

Predicting sales to better manage the offer and optimize costs and investments.

Sales forecasting is not just a set of techniques that can accurately identify the volume of business for a given future period, or a method that can define business objectives at the beginning of the year; it is above all a success factor.

In Divisible, we have developed a "causal forecast" method based on correlation, starting from the assumption that the target variable, i.e. demand, can be described by the trend of other variables.

In fact, product sales are influenced by numerous variables, both of an "endogenous" nature, therefore under the control of company management (product price, investment in advertising, etc.), and of an "exogenous" nature which may escape company control (per capita income, age of the population, interest rates, product taxation, rainfall, temperature, oil price, competitors’ moves, and so on).

product roadmap

❝ We use "simple regression" techniques to analyze the "causal relationships" between variables, if the demand is linked to only one variable,  or "multiple regression" techniques if the model considers two or more variables. ❞

In order to optimize the outputs of a sales forecast model it is essential, first of all, starting from precise and updated data and secondly, being able to predict the future values of the "exogenous" variables: this is the real competitive advantage.

Sales Prediction


Sales Planning

Forecasts guarantee an optimal organization of business activities. For example they allow to anticipate potential low productivity periods (due to the seasonality of the sales cycle) and to identify the best selling prices.

Preventing demand

Knowing the potential volume of future sales, allows you to anticipate extraordinary requests in terms of order volume, guaranteeing deliveries without delay, high customer satisfaction,  and a reduction in the risk of stock shortage.

Financial organization

A precise sales forecast makes it possible to estimate the company’s turnover and potential profits, allowing to focus on reducing costs, increasing revenues and managing investments.

Planning of business activities

Knowing future sales volumes reduces uncertainty about the company's economic availability and, as a result, you can plan more accurately for recruitments, contract extensions, expansions to new markets or geographies, and much more.

Continuous optimisation

On the basis of historical data and continuous sales data available, it is possible, firstly, identifying in real time any effective working models and successful strategies and secondly, having a real perception of the company's performance.

Improvement of marketing activities

Synchronizing the sales and marketing area is essential to plan excellent business strategies: an effective sales forecasting activity allows the marketing department to define the best promotions or strategies.

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